Lecce is often nicknamed the “Florence of the South,” but this Baroque gem holds its...
The sun beat down on us as we neared the end of our “Vignes Vins...
The Moselle region is a fantastic destination for hiking, offering clear paths, breathtaking scenery, steep...
Europe has many border regions where borders, languages, and rulers changed frequently due to wars...
Portugal is quickly becoming one of Europe’s top tourist destinations, with millions visiting cities like...
The history of Valletta’s fortifications is intimately tied to the Knights Hospitallers in Malta. One...
Although Halloween originated in Ireland, with the Celts celebrating Samhain using candles inside carved beet-roots,...
Dante drew inspiration from this foul-smelling, sulfur-colored, steamy landscape for his depiction of “Hell” in...
Saul Schwartz, along with his wife Fern, ventured across the Atlantic for the first time...
When you step away from the typical tourist spots, you stop being a tourist and...