Italy’s Six Festive Holiday Cakes – Journey Chronicles

Italy’s Six Festive Holiday Cakes

Italy's Six Festive Holiday Cakes

Italians have a sweet tooth, especially for their dolce. Even in the winter, you’ll see Italians enjoying gelato, and they have at least 6 different Christmas cakes to make the holiday season even sweeter. However, deciding which cake to choose can sometimes stir up a bit of family drama during Christmas.

All of these cakes include the word “bread” – pane – in their names, and here’s a brief rundown:

Christmas is a time for family gatherings and spreading peace, but in Italian households, it can turn into a debate over Christmas cakes. Typically, it’s a toss-up between Panettone enthusiasts, who consider Pandoro too plain, and Pandoro fans, who can’t stand the raisins and dried fruit in Panettone.

There’s a simple way to keep the peace: buy both cakes! Or, take a page out of our book and get a chocolate version instead.

Buon Natale and Merry Christmas!